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Bitcoin: Clarity on rpc flag design to pass boolean arguments

Signs Design RPC: Clarification on Boolean arguments that pass

In interacting with Remote Procedure Call servers (RPC), passing boolean flags such as strings can be a common challenge for developers working with Bitcoin-like protocols such as BIP-4. In this article, we will delve deeper into the design of RPC flag flags, focusing specifically on how to pass boolean arguments using Getboolarg and explore various approaches for clarity and usability.

The problem: passing boolean arguments

In most programming languages, including python’s argparse, when a program expects a boolean value as an argument, it must be passed with a specific syntax. For example:



Parser = argparse.argumentparser ()

parser.add_argment (‘-fastprune’, action = ‘store_true’)

args = parser.pass_args ()

If args.fastprune:

FastPrune is true


FastPrune is fake


However, in the context of RPC servers and Bitcoin-like protocols, passing boolean arguments such as strings (---fastprune = 1) may be problematic. This syntax is not specific for programming languages; Instead, it is a format used for data transmission on networks.

The need for clarification

To avoid confusion and ensure consistency when working with RPC flags, it is essential to provide clear documentation on how to pass boolean arguments. Here are some possible scenarios:

* Signs Syntax : Set the exact syntax to pass the boolean flags as strings.

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-FastPrune = 1 // True

-FastPrune = 2 // false

-FastPrune = 3 // More than two values


* Argument Type

Bitcoin: Clarity on rpc flag design to pass boolean arguments

: Specify if Getboolarg expects a string or an integer value for boolean flags.


Signs: ‘Str’ or ‘int’


Designing RPC Signs Signators

To improve clarity and usability, we can design Syntax RPC flags and specific types of arguments. Here is an example of how to modify the previous code snippet:


Define the RPC flags

Flags: [‘FastPrune’, ‘Bool’]

Define an auxiliary function to convert boolean values ​​to strings


If Val:

Return ‘true’


return ‘fake’

Create an RPC server with the modified flag syntax and the types of argument


def __init __ (self):

self.flags = [‘FastPrune’, ‘Bool’]

def Handle_request (self, data):

FastPrune = BOOL_TO_STR (data [‘FastPrune’])

Return {

‘Status’: True if FastPrune == ‘True’ Else False




By providing clear documentation on how to pass boolean arguments and specify the syntax for flags, we can guarantee consistency and usability when working with RPC servers and bitcoin -like protocols. Following the recommended practices and designing RPC flags with syntax and specific arguments, you can improve the readability and maintenance of your code.

Additional resources

For more information about RPC design and flag standards in Bitcoin and other blockchain platforms, see:

  • [BIP-4: Protocol for Bitcoin types] (

  • [RPC flags on beep-4] (


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