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Ethereum: Split values separated by commas into variables in Python

Book data data on live commercial order with python-banin

As a live merchant boat, it is essentially it is essentially analyzing the order book awareness decisions. In this article we will explore how to extract variables from a trade order book, a merchant commercial commercial.



  • Install Required Libraries: “Python-banium ‘,’ Pandas’, and Numpy

  • Set your Binisack API credentials

  • Run in scripts in a local environment or "use the banning-client's Cli tool

Code *


Import of Panda as PD

From the import client to the import client

Import the Jon

Set Binax API credentials



#Back build a hemorrhage


de Get_order_BOOK (symbol):

Get the Trepe Book for the Underline

Depth = Cuper.get_boook (Symbol = Symbol)

Bid extracts and asking for amazing

Biddds = {K: V ['bids'] k, deep ['bids'] ()}}

Asics = {K: V [asks' asks' (asyaks' items)}}

Print out quoted data

Printing (list (Biss.ines), columns = ['symbol', 'bid price']

Print (PD.dattaframe (SK.dattaframe (SKDATATAFRAME (SKDATATAFRAME), columns = ['Symbol', 'ASP ASP'])

Example use

Get_order_book ('btcusdt')

Explaining *

  • 1. We prepared super-drink API credentials.

  • We create the banium instance credentials.


  • We call on the understanding of bids quote and inspiration.

  • Finally, we print extracted data in a Pandas Dautam.

Example Output


Symbol Bidding Price

0 btcusdt 34657.7

1 btcusdt 34658.8

Ask for the symbol

0 btcusdt 34656.2

1 btcusdt 34659.5



Tips and Varies

  • Other things to extract variables, you can change the dictionary probability to suit the gesture.

  • If you need additional information, explore the bannine, if you need additional information.

  • Rituals and guidelines for collecting book data on live commercial order

I hope you will help you to extract valuable data on live commercial orders!

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