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Ethereum: Heiken Ashi candles plotted on graph Binance

Here is a well-structured article with an example of how to use Heiken Ashi candles and plot them on a Binance chart:

Ethereum: Plotting Heiken Ashi Candles in Python

Ethereum: Heiken Ashi candles plotted on graph Binance

When working with cryptocurrency markets like Ethereum, it is important to visualize market data to understand trends and patterns. One popular indicator used for this purpose is the Heiken Ashi candles. In this article, we will explore how to plot Heiken Ashi candles on a chart using the Binance API.


  • You have a Binance API account and client ID.
  • You have installed the pandas library for working with data structures such as arrays and matrices.
  • You have the necessary permissions to access historical Binance market data.

Sample Code: Plotting Heiken Ashi Candles

import pandas as pd

from binance.client import Client

def heikin_ashi():


Get historical Klines data for Ethereum (SYMBOL)

and plot Heiken Ashi candles.


client = client()

symbol = "ETH"

Replace with your desired cryptocurrency

interval = "1m"

1 minute interval

Get historical Klines data

klines_data = client.get_historical_klines(




Limit to 1000 bars for simplicity


Convert Klines data to pandas DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame(klines_data)

Plot Heiken Ashi candles on Binance chart

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Set up the plot

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))

plt.plot(df["close"], label="Close Price")


plt.ylabel("Price (USD)")

plt.title("Heiken Ashi Candles on Binance Chart")

Add Heiken Ashi candles to the chart

plt.plot(df.index[1:], df["high"] - df["low"], color='green', label="Heiken Ashi")



Example usage:


This code snippet does the following:

  • Establishes a Binance API client and specifies the desired cryptocurrency (ETH) and interval (1 minute).
  • Retrieves historical Klines data using client.get_historical_klines().
  • Converts the Klines data to a pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation.
  • Plots Heiken Ashi candles on the chart using matplotlib, plotting the closing price and adding Heiken Ashi lines as green bars.

Tips and Variations

  • To customize the chart, explore additional options in the plot() function, such as changing the color scheme or changing the shape of the candle body.
  • Consider using other indicators such as moving averages or Bollinger Bands to create a more comprehensive analysis of market trends.
  • For production-grade applications, make sure to work safely with sensitive data and API keys.

Don’t forget to replace the symbol variable with your desired cryptocurrency symbol (e.g. “BTC”, “LTC”, etc.) and adjust the interval and limit settings to your requirements. Happy charting!

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