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Metamask: Failing to sign a transaction with eth_sign

Metamask Error: Insufficiency Ethereum Adddress For Sign Transaction

Ass the Developer Working with the Ethereum-Based Blockchain Projects, It’s Notes Unit To Encounters When Tryping to-Exactions Interactives Using the ETH_Sign Methodod. In this article, We’ll delve to have a problem with the problem.


The the most indicates that are the indication that will be invalided by the insufficiency of your own. The Message State This the Required Paramet Ethereum Address Fresh Beer When's Calling the Eth_SignMethod.

The code:


Const {Ethers} = Require (“Ethers”);

// Define A functioning that adets to sign the transaction using eth_sign

Async Function Sign Transaction (Address) {


// Call the Eth_Sign Memory with An Ethereum Address and A Callback Function

await ethers.sign transction ({{

to: Address,

Value: 1n, // Replace with a desired transaction amunt (in Wei)

Gas Limit: 20000,


Nonce: 0,

}, async (error, receipt) => {

if (error) {

console.error (arror);

} Else

Const signedtx = Await Receipt.rawtransaction;

console.log (signedtx);



} Catch (Error) {

console.error (“other signing transaction:”, distinct);



// Call’

SignTransaction (“0x … YouTerumadic Addresss …”);


The Problem:

Metamask: Failing to sign a transaction with eth_sign

In this Example, We’re trying to call eth_sign fury within an async callback function. The issue asis whens to pass an empty string or zero as the first argument (the to parameter). Ethereum’s TH_Sign Method Requires A Non-Empty String in In This Position.

The Solution:

To fix this issue, welfare that wet provide a puppy ethereum before calling `eth_sign '. The Wei can do this call-fit are a desired transction amont (in Wei) as the company. Here's updded version of the code:


Const {Ethers} = Require (“Ethers”);

// Define the functioning that adhempts to sign the transaction using eth_sign with a sample ethereum attachment

Async Function Sign Transaction (Address) {


// Call the Eth_Sign Method Development Directorate With An Empty String In Place In Place.

Const Signedtx = Await Ethers.SignTransction ({E

Value: 1n, // Replace with a desired transaction amunt (in Wei)

Gas Limit: 20000,


Nonce: 0,

to: Address,

}, async earror => { {

if (error) {

console.error (arror);

} Else

Conste receipt = await ethers.get signer (). sign transaction (signedtx);

console.log (receipt);



} Catch (Error) {

console.error (“other signing transaction:”, distinct);



// Call the signing function with a sampled index attachment

SignTransaction (“0x … YouTerumadic Addresss …”);


Best practices:

Tools of the Similar Issues in your Own Code, Make Sure To Follow These Best Practice:

  • Always provide a puppy ethereum noress when calling eth_sign.

  • Avoid Passing empty strings or zero as arguments.

  • Use async/await syntax to hand ears and callbacks.

By following these guidelines, you’ll beble to succil execuctions surrection the eth_sign metd. If Continue to Encounter Issue, Feel Free to Reach Out for Further Assistance.

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