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Ethereum: Binance API : How i get Price Digits and Lots size Digits

Obtain a price size price and digits of the Binance API

As a cryptocurrency developer, obtaining access to market data in real time is crucial to create reliable commercial systems. In this article, we will explore how to obtain price digits and binance API size digits using its final point ‘Exchangeinfo.

receiving the answerexchangeinfo

The end pointExchangeinforeturns a JSON object that contains several change information, which includes symbol, change name, base currency, contribution currency and more. Here is an example of how the answer could be seen:



"Symbol": "Ltcusdt",

"Basecurrency": "usd",

"Cotecurity": "eth",

"Ispair": false,

"Exchangeinfo": {

"ID": "1000000",

"Name": "binance",

"description": "",

"Write": "exchange",

"Currency": "USDT"


"Apiversion": 3


Price digits

To extract price digits, you can use the 'symbols' and 'Basecurrency' fields from the answer. For example:


Const = 'ltcusdt' symbol;

Const Basecurrency = 'usd';

const exchangeinforSpoSE = {

// assuming that this is a real json object that contains the API response


// assuming that the price field contains the current market price in USD

const by price = exchangeinforsponse.apiinfo.price;

Console.log (current price of $ {symbol} at $ {Basecurrecy}: $ {price});

Lot size digits

To extract batch size digits, you can use the 'lots' field of the answer. For example:


Const = 'ltcusdt' symbol;

Const Basecurrency = 'eth';

const exchangeinforSpoSE = {

// assuming that this is a real json object that contains the API response


// assuming that the lot of lots contains the current size of the lot in eth

const ats = exchangeinforsponso.apiinfo.lots;

Console.log (current lot of $ {symbol} at $ {Basecurrecy}: $ {lots});

Example code

Here is a fragment of example code that demonstrates how to extract digits of lot size and size using JavaScript:


Getpriceigits function (symbol, base base) {

const exchangeinforSpoSE = {

Apiinfo: {


Base mountain



// assuming that API's response is a JSON object

Const Apiversión = ExchangeinForsponso.apiinfo.version;

const endpoint = {symbol};

search (end point)

.Then (answer => answer.json ())

.Then (data => {

const price = data.apiinfo.price;

Console.log (current price of $ {symbol} at $ {Basecurrecy}: $ {price});


.Catch (error => console.error ('error:', error));


function getlotsizedigits (symbol, base base) {

const exchangeinforSpoSE = {

Apiinfo: {


Base mountain



// assuming that API's response is a JSON object

Const Apiversión = ExchangeinForsponso.apiinfo.version;

const endpoint = {symbol};

search (end point)

.Then (answer => answer.json ())

.Then (data => {

Const lots = data.apiinfo.lots;

Console.log (current lot of $ {symbol} at $ {Basecurrecy}: $ {lots});


.Catch (error => console.error ('error:', error));


Getpriceigits ('ltcusdt', 'usd');

Getlotsizedigits ('Ltcusdt', 'eth');

In summary, to obtain price -size digits and binance API lot using its final point 'Exchangeinfo, you can use the’ symbol` and ‘basecurrency’ fields of the answer. Then you can extract these values ​​using Javascript functions or directly analyzing the JSON object.

Note : The previous code fragments are only for demonstration purposes and may not work in production due to security restrictions. Always make sure you have obtained the appropriate authorization and credentials before making API requests.

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